Sunday, July 14, 2013

Keep it Simple...

When creating a design for a band, or music artist.  Sometimes to make the music the star, it's important to go with simple.  You still want it to stand out on the shelf.  You want the cover to be noticed.
Sometimes in a world of bright colors and chaotic covers, it's the simple one that will stand out among them.

Keep it uncomplicated.  Start with a neutral color and use subtle variations of that color.
In this case whites and grays were used for the main background.  Clean shapes make it look effortless.
It's okay to add a little pop of color, like the red on the record, 
and combine contrast or textures like the black and white to make it pop just the way you want it to.  
Catching the eyes of the patrons, wondering to themselves "Do I want to listen to this band?"

Don't be afraid to put less.  Just say to yourself "edit, edit, edit."
When you think you have a finished product, close your eyes, then open them.  
Where is your eye drawn to first?  Is that what you wanted people to see?
Just have fun with your designs and be creative.

Friday, July 5, 2013

My New "Design" Obsession...

So, I bring to you my new obsession......drum roll please.....gardening!

This year has been full of cover designs, t-shirts, and finding cool stuff to share. Creativity and design isn't just on paper, or in the look of your's in nature and the outdoors.  So what I did was start a garden this year.  Some have called this, "the year of the garden!"  To which, I must concur.  It is the year of the garden.  And since I am such a novice, I needed a little help from those that have gone before me.  Youtube became my friend.  The go-to for the how-to, and this is only a small list of videos that I found.  There are so many good and wonderful tips out there.  I decided to keep it simple, since my garden is simple.  And really according to my oldest child, I don't have any idea what I am doing.  But isn't that the fun of it all?  

I planted flowers, herbs, and vegetables...but my little pride and joy is the tiny
 watermelon plant that is happy and healthy, just like it should be.  

This is only the beginning.  With so many videos to view, so many plants to plants, so many prunings to prune, this watermelon is not the end for me.  Oh, no!  I have found the how-to mecca with simple solutions and easy growing tips.  I must continue my garden obsession for years to come.
Now I ask you, what will you be growing in your garden?